Is all art pretentious?
I don't know. Depends who you ask. But I hope to find out.
This is a HUGE work in progress. Like everything, it's changing and adapting to its surroundings as it goes. I would put money on this being absolutely different at the end to where it is now; but I'm not a betting guy.
I want to explore. Explore the worlds or art and pretension. Explore where they cross and become something - anything. A film, a painting, a logo; anything.
So join me - with a VERY open mind - as I try and answer the question:
Is all art pretentious?
Paddypower have 8/1 on me being pretentious myself,* those are good odds. But as I said, I don't bet. I don't want to be, but I guarantee that at some point throughout this journey someone somewhere will point the finger and say "You're being pretentious, you're a hypocrite!"
Here we go then. I'll build a team of broad and open minds and we'll work together to find out what the fuck is going on.
Please leave feedback, that's half of the investigation. Everyone has a brain (apparently) and every has an opinion.